Subdomain Finder (2025)

1. Subdomain Finder -

  • Subdomain Finder is a scanner that scans an entire domain to find as many subdomains as possible.

2. Free subdomain finder online 🛡️ find subdomains of domain

  • Use the free subdomain scanner to lookup and check all the subdomains of a domain. Check how many sub domains you can find to map your attack surface.

3. Subdomain finder - 9 Enumerating tools hosted online

  • Online subdomain finder, discovery and research tools to collect and gather DNS information about hosts · Knockpy · Sublist3r · DNSscan(Realtime) · Anubis ...

  • offers Online network penetration and mapping tool for penetration testers and System administrators.

4. Free Subdomain Finder: Find all Subdomains of a Website

5. Subdomains Lookup | Find all subdomains | WhoisXML API

  • A subdomain lookup tool, also known as a subdomain finder tool, helps identify subdomains associated with a domain name using passive DNS data. It can have ...

  • Find all the subdomains of a domain with our subdomain finder tools. Access 2.3+ billion subdomains from 10+ years of data crawling. Get started today.

6. Find DNS Host Records | Subdomain Finder -

  • Online tool to enumerate subdomains of a domain. Find host records for a domain during the discovery phase of a security assessment or penetration test.

7. Subdomain Finder Tool | Find all Subdomains of a Website

  • A Website Subdomain Finder by Sitechecker is a tool or software used to identify the subdomains of a given domain name. The tool provides a technical assessment ...

  • Optimize your website's SEO with our Subdomain Finder Tool, perfect for auditing, competitor analysis, and compliance.

8. Nmmapper Subdomain finder,Nmap online,theharvester

  • Subdomains · Subdomain Api · Nmap online port scanner... · Basic Plans

  • offers Online network penetration and mapping tool for penetration testers and System administrators.

9. scans of - Subdomain Finder

  • Subdomain Finder is a scanner that scans an entire domain to find as many subdomains as possible.

10. Subdomain Finder - OpenTunnel

  • Subdomain Finder is a scanner that scans an entire domain to find as many subdomains as possible.

11. Subdomain Finder & Reverse IP - Apify

  • Cheerio Scraper ... Crawls websites using raw HTTP requests, parses the HTML with the Cheerio library, and extracts data from the pages using a Node.js code.

  • Enumerate Subdomains and Reverse IPs with RapidDNS, Anubis, AlienVault and! It's fast and costs little.

Subdomain Finder (2025)


How can I find a subdomain? ›

The Deep scan uses multiple techniques to find subdomains fast and effectively:
  1. DNS records (NS, MX, TXT, AXFR)
  2. Enumeration using built-in wordlists, plus the option to use your own.
  3. External APIs search.
  4. Public search engine queries (Google search, Bing)
  5. Word mutation techniques.
  6. Searching in SSL certificates.

What is the best tool to find subdomains? ›

The Best Subdomain Enumeration Tools
  • Google Dorking. Google Dorking is a passive subdomain enumeration technique using Google's advanced search operators, like "site:" to find information about a target, including subdomains. ...
  • Sublist3r. ...
  • Amass. ...
  • Recon-ng. ...
  • SubDomainizer. ...
  • Pentest Tools Subdomain Finder. ...
  • ...
  • Shodan.
May 13, 2024

Are subdomains bad for SEO? ›

As long as you use them correctly, subdomains are fine for your SEO performance.

How to search subdomains in Google? ›

By search engines

Search engines like Google supports various advanced search operators to refine search queries. These operators are often referred to as Google Dorks. We can use site: operator in Google search to find all the Subdomains that Google has found for a Domain. Lets take an example on “”.

How do I find all subsites of a website? ›

You can usually locate it in the root or footer section of the website. For example, the XML sitemap URL could be ““. Once you click on the sitemap, you will find all pages & subpages of a website.

What is an example of a sub subdomain? ›

While a subdomain will appear before your TLD, a subdirectory link will include the subdirectory name after the original TLD. For example: Subdomain example: Subdirectory example:

Does Google like subdomains? ›

The short answer is yes, Google can and will index and rank subdomains unless you explicitly take steps to ensure they're excluded from its index. Google's entire business model is based on discovering content. The same goes for all search engines.

What is better, a subdomain or a subdirectory? ›

According to Google, subdomains and subdirectories are seen as equal when it comes to indexing and ranking. That said, real-world case studies show that subdirectories tend to rank faster and more effectively than subdomains on the first page of the search engine results page (SERPs).

How many subdomains is too many? ›

A domain can have up to 500 subdomains. You can create multiple levels of subdomains such as,, etc. Each subdomain can be up to 255 characters long, but for multi level subdomains, each level can only be 63 characters long.

Are subdomains searchable? ›

YES. Search engines index subdomains – this has been established.

Who owns the subdomain? ›

Create subdomains for specific users or clients

You can create a subdomain that is specifically intended for them to give an idea of what their new website might look like. This is hosted on your own main domain, while retaining ownership of the subdomain.

What is subdomain hunting? ›

Subdomain hijacking, also known as dangling DNS, occurs when a threat actor gains control of a subdomain of a legitimate domain.

Where is the subdomain in a URL? ›

Subdomains are the part of a domain that comes before the main domain name and domain extension. They can help you organize your website. For example, . In this URL, docs is the subdomain.

How do I connect to a subdomain? ›

Once the domain is created, you'll need to add a new domain name system (DNS) record. Navigate to DNS and select Add (or a similar command). Select what you want your subdomain to connect to, whether it's an IP address, an IP address connected to the destination hostname, a server name, or a wildcard domain.

What search phrase can be used to find subdomains of a website? ›

There are some subdomains that are defined for virtually every domain name, such as www, and others that are very common, like shop or mail. But by going through and trying a DNS query using `dig`, `nslookup`, or `host` for as many possible subdomains, you might find some hidden ones.

What is your subdomain? ›

A subdomain is a prefix added to a domain name to separate a section of your website. Site owners primarily use subdomains to manage extensive sections that require their own content hierarchy, such as online stores, blogs, job boards or support platforms. Subdomains function as a separate website from its domain.

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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

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Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.