Gustavo Naspolini Relationship (2025)

1. Luke Evans Rides a Scooter Shirtless with Brazilian Hunk Gustavo ...

  • 24 feb 2021 · Evans, 41, was seen showing off his sculpted body in a small speedo while enjoying the Miami beach with Brazilian model Gustavo Naspolini, 31.

  • Luke Evans was seen with a Brazilian model a month after confirming split from Rafael Olarra

2. Luke Evans shows off his VERY ripped physique with mystery man ...

  • 24 feb 2021 · Luke Evans, 41, shows off his ripped physique as he splashes about with hunky Brazilian model Gustavo Naspolini, 31, in Miami a month after split with ...

  • Luke Evans was seen frolicking on the beach in Miami this week with a dashing musclebound mystery man. The 41-year-old Hobbit actor showed off his own chiseled figure.

3. Gustavo Naspolini - Facebook

4. Gustavo Naspolini attends the "Fly Me To The Moon" World Premiere at ...

  • 8 jul 2024 · Gustavo Naspolini attends the "Fly Me To The Moon" World Premiere at AMC Lincoln Square Theater on July 08, 2024 in New York City.

  • Getty Images Netherlands. Ontdek licenties voor royalty free-beelden met een hoge resolutie, redactionele stockfoto's, vectorbeelden, videoclips en stockmuziek bij de uitgebreidste online fotobibliotheek waarin je kunt zoeken naar beelden.

5. Gustavo naspolini | Page 28 - LPSG

  • 3 jan 2018 · Instead i ask if someone have news on his ex dr. J. James. He already broke up with his last bf antoilgreco? It's like one month that they don't ...

  • Envy is never a good look. Also there have been pictures on this thread that are supposed to be him and it is pretty big. He could just be a shower not a grower. Aha... now having an opinion is envy lmao He maybe got whatever shit he did to his face done to his dick lol.

6. Luke Evans finds love with a hunky spanish graphic designer

  • That's Gustavo Naspolini, an Instahoe/model/bartender and whatever else Italian by way of Brazil who has thirsty bitches on LPSG in a tizzy. Like many other ...

  • [post redacted because linking to clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but ...

7. Luke Evans And Rafael Olarra Split After Nearly 1 Year Of Dating

  • luke evans rafael olarra split up relationship. By:Aisling O'Connor ... Muscle Men: Luke Evans Frolics On The Beach In Miami With Brazilian Model Gustavo ...

  • Luke Evans and his boyfriend, Rafael Olarra, have split up after nearly one year of dating. 'It is what it is,' Evans said about them going their separate ways.

8. Gustavo naspolini | Page 19 - LPSG

  • 3 jan 2018 · Are you ok Karen? Gustavo is nothing but a glorified escort from Brazil. Btw, he's in Miami right now selling his ass to the highest bidder.

  • He's getting huge. Why do guys find this beefed up look attractive? It’s a genuine question...?

Gustavo Naspolini Relationship (2025)


Who was Gustavo's partner? ›

Maximino "Max" Arciniega was the business partner of Gustavo Fring and co-founder of the Los Pollos Hermanos franchise. He held advanced degrees in biochemistry and chemical engineering. Max's education was financed by Gus after Gus rescued him from the slums of Santiago.

Who is Gustavo Naspolini? ›

Born and raised in São Paulo, Brazil, Naspolini first began sharing his modelling photos to his Instagram account in 2012. Since then he has built up a huge fanbase and now boasts over 340k followers.

Did Gus have a boyfriend? ›

The Breaking Bad episode "Hermanos" shows that Gus and his long-time business partner and boyfriend Max Arciniega started Los Pollos Hermanos as a front to sell methamphetamine that Max "cooked".

Does Gustavo have a wife? ›

There's no indication that Gus is married.

Why was Gustavo's partner killed? ›

However, while Gus would live to work with the Cartel in the end, Max was executed by Gus' would-be archenemy Hector Salamanca on the orders of the latter's boss Don Eladio for disrespect. Max's death provoked Gus into seeking vengeance upon the Cartel, especially Hector. He was portrayed by James Martinez.

Who was Max Arciniega in Breaking Bad? ›

Maximino Arciniega Jr. is an American actor, best known for his portrayal of Domingo Gallardo "Krazy-8" Molina in the crime drama television series Breaking Bad and its spin-off/prequel Better Call Saul. Maximino Arciniega Jr. Chicago, Illinois, U.S.

Who shot Fring's boyfriend in the head? ›

Don Eladio was insulted by Gus' methods of gaining his attention, leading Max to plead for Gus' life. But as Max defended Gus, Hector Salamanca shot Max in the head and forced Gus to watch his dead partner. Gus established a chemistry scholarship at the University of New Mexico in Max's honor.

What are Gustavo's last words? ›

Is that how you want to be remembered? Last chance to look at me, Hector. Gustavo's final words.

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