7.3 Factor Trinomials of the Form ax2+bx+c - Elementary Algebra 2e | OpenStax (2024)

Learning Objectives

By the end of this section, you will be able to:

  • Recognize a preliminary strategy to factor polynomials completely
  • Factor trinomials of the form ax2+bx+cax2+bx+c with a GCF
  • Factor trinomials using trial and error
  • Factor trinomials using the ‘ac’ method

Be Prepared 7.8

Before you get started, take this readiness quiz.

Find the GCF of 45p2and30p645p2and30p6.
If you missed this problem, review Example 7.2.

Be Prepared 7.9

Multiply (3y+4)(2y+5)(3y+4)(2y+5).
If you missed this problem, review Example 6.40.

Be Prepared 7.10

Combine like terms 12x2+3x+5x+912x2+3x+5x+9.
If you missed this problem, review Example 1.24.

Recognize a Preliminary Strategy for Factoring

Let’s summarize where we are so far with factoring polynomials. In the first two sections of this chapter, we used three methods of factoring: factoring the GCF, factoring by grouping, and factoring a trinomial by “undoing” FOIL. More methods will follow as you continue in this chapter, as well as later in your studies of algebra.

How will you know when to use each factoring method? As you learn more methods of factoring, how will you know when to apply each method and not get them confused? It will help to organize the factoring methods into a strategy that can guide you to use the correct method.

As you start to factor a polynomial, always ask first, “Is there a greatest common factor?” If there is, factor it first.

The next thing to consider is the type of polynomial. How many terms does it have? Is it a binomial? A trinomial? Or does it have more than three terms?

If it is a trinomial where the leading coefficient is one, x2+bx+cx2+bx+c, use the “undo FOIL” method.

If it has more than three terms, try the grouping method. This is the only method to use for polynomials of more than three terms.

Some polynomials cannot be factored. They are called “prime.”

Below we summarize the methods we have so far. These are detailed in Choose a strategy to factor polynomials completely.

7.3 Factor Trinomials of the Form ax2+bx+c - Elementary Algebra 2e | OpenStax (1)

How To

Choose a strategy to factor polynomials completely.

  1. Step 1.

    Is there a greatest common factor?

    • Factor it out.
  2. Step 2.

    Is the polynomial a binomial, trinomial, or are there more than three terms?

    • If it is a binomial, right now we have no method to factor it.
    • If it is a trinomial of the form x2+bx+cx2+bx+c: Undo FOIL (x)(x)(x)(x)
    • If it has more than three terms: Use the grouping method.
  3. Step 3. Check by multiplying the factors.

Use the preliminary strategy to completely factor a polynomial. A polynomial is factored completely if, other than monomials, all of its factors are prime.

Example 7.29

Identify the best method to use to factor each polynomial.

  1. 6y2726y272
  2. r210r24r210r24
  3. p2+5p+pq+5qp2+5p+pq+5q


Is there a greatest common factor?Yes, 6.
Factor out the 6.6(y212)6(y212)
Is it a binomial, trinomial, or are there
more than 3 terms?
Binomial, we have no method to factor binomials yet.

Is there a greatest common factor?No, there is no common factor.
Is it a binomial, trinomial, or are there
more than three terms?
Trinomial, with leading coefficient 1, so “undo” FOIL.

Is there a greatest common factor?No, there is no common factor.
Is it a binomial, trinomial, or are there
more than three terms?
More than three terms, so factor using grouping.

Try It 7.57

Identify the best method to use to factor each polynomial:

  1. 4y2+324y2+32
  2. y2+10y+21y2+10y+21
  3. yz+2y+3z+6yz+2y+3z+6

Try It 7.58

Identify the best method to use to factor each polynomial:

  1. ab+a+4b+4ab+a+4b+4
  2. 3k2+153k2+15
  3. p2+9p+8p2+9p+8

Factor Trinomials of the form ax2 + bx + c with a GCF

Now that we have organized what we’ve covered so far, we are ready to factor trinomials whose leading coefficient is not 1, trinomials of the form ax2+bx+cax2+bx+c.

Remember to always check for a GCF first! Sometimes, after you factor the GCF, the leading coefficient of the trinomial becomes 1 and you can factor it by the methods in the last section. Let’s do a few examples to see how this works.

Watch out for the signs in the next two examples.

Example 7.30

Factor completely: 2n28n422n28n42.


Use the preliminary strategy.

Is there a greatest common factor?2n28n422n28n42
Yes, GCF = 2. Factor it out.2(n24n21)2(n24n21)

Inside the parentheses, is it a binomial, trinomial, or are there more than three terms?

It is a trinomial whose coefficient is 1, so undo FOIL.2(n)(n)2(n)(n)
Use 3 and −7 as the last terms of the binomials.2(n+3)(n7)2(n+3)(n7)
Factors of −21−21Sum of factors


2 ( n + 3 ) ( n 7 ) 2 ( n + 3 ) ( n 7 )

2 ( n 2 7 n + 3 n 21 ) 2 ( n 2 7 n + 3 n 21 )

2 ( n 2 4 n 21 ) 2 ( n 2 4 n 21 )

2 n 2 8 n 42 2 n 2 8 n 42

Try It 7.59

Factor completely: 4m24m84m24m8.

Try It 7.60

Factor completely: 5k215k505k215k50.

Example 7.31

Factor completely: 4y236y+564y236y+56.


Use the preliminary strategy.

Is there a greatest common factor?4y236y+564y236y+56
Yes, GCF = 4. Factor it.4(y29y+14)4(y29y+14)
Inside the parentheses, is it a binomial, trinomial, or are
there more than three terms?
It is a trinomial whose coefficient is 1. So undo FOIL.4(y)(y)4(y)(y)
Use a table like the one below to find two numbers that multiply to
14 and add to −9.
Both factors of 14 must be negative.4(y2)(y7)4(y2)(y7)
Factors of 1414Sum of factors


4 ( y 2 ) ( y 7 ) 4 ( y 2 ) ( y 7 )

4 ( y 2 7 y 2 y + 14 ) 4 ( y 2 7 y 2 y + 14 )

4 ( y 2 9 y + 14 ) 4 ( y 2 9 y + 14 )

4 y 2 36 y + 42 4 y 2 36 y + 42

Try It 7.61

Factor completely: 3r29r+63r29r+6.

Try It 7.62

Factor completely: 2t210t+122t210t+12.

In the next example the GCF will include a variable.

Example 7.32

Factor completely: 4u3+16u220u4u3+16u220u.


Use the preliminary strategy.

Is there a greatest common factor?4u3+16u220u4u3+16u220u
Yes, GCF = 4u. Factor it.4u(u2+4u5)4u(u2+4u5)
Binomial, trinomial, or more than three terms?
It is a trinomial. So “undo FOIL.”4u(u)(u)4u(u)(u)
Use a table like the table below to find two numbers that
multiply to −5 and add to 4.
Factors of −5−5Sum of factors


4 u ( u 1 ) ( u + 5 ) 4 u ( u 1 ) ( u + 5 )

4 u ( u 2 + 5 u u 5 ) 4 u ( u 2 + 5 u u 5 )

4 u ( u 2 + 4 u 5 ) 4 u ( u 2 + 4 u 5 )

4 u 3 + 16 u 2 20 u 4 u 3 + 16 u 2 20 u

Try It 7.63

Factor completely: 5x3+15x220x5x3+15x220x.

Try It 7.64

Factor completely: 6y3+18y260y6y3+18y260y.

Factor Trinomials using Trial and Error

What happens when the leading coefficient is not 1 and there is no GCF? There are several methods that can be used to factor these trinomials. First we will use the Trial and Error method.

Let’s factor the trinomial 3x2+5x+23x2+5x+2.

From our earlier work we expect this will factor into two binomials.


We know the first terms of the binomial factors will multiply to give us 3x23x2. The only factors of 3x23x2 are 1x,3x1x,3x. We can place them in the binomials.

7.3 Factor Trinomials of the Form ax2+bx+c - Elementary Algebra 2e | OpenStax (2)

Check. Does 1x·3x=3x21x·3x=3x2?

We know the last terms of the binomials will multiply to 2. Since this trinomial has all positive terms, we only need to consider positive factors. The only factors of 2 are 1 and 2. But we now have two cases to consider as it will make a difference if we write 1, 2, or 2, 1.

7.3 Factor Trinomials of the Form ax2+bx+c - Elementary Algebra 2e | OpenStax (3)

Which factors are correct? To decide that, we multiply the inner and outer terms.

7.3 Factor Trinomials of the Form ax2+bx+c - Elementary Algebra 2e | OpenStax (4)

Since the middle term of the trinomial is 5x, the factors in the first case will work. Let’s FOIL to check.


Our result of the factoring is:


Example 7.33

How to Factor Trinomials of the Form ax2+bx+cax2+bx+c Using Trial and Error

Factor completely: 3y2+22y+73y2+22y+7.


7.3 Factor Trinomials of the Form ax2+bx+c - Elementary Algebra 2e | OpenStax (5)7.3 Factor Trinomials of the Form ax2+bx+c - Elementary Algebra 2e | OpenStax (6)7.3 Factor Trinomials of the Form ax2+bx+c - Elementary Algebra 2e | OpenStax (7)7.3 Factor Trinomials of the Form ax2+bx+c - Elementary Algebra 2e | OpenStax (8)7.3 Factor Trinomials of the Form ax2+bx+c - Elementary Algebra 2e | OpenStax (9)

Try It 7.65

Factor completely: 2a2+5a+32a2+5a+3.

Try It 7.66

Factor completely: 4b2+5b+14b2+5b+1.

How To

Factor trinomials of the form ax2+bx+cax2+bx+c using trial and error.

  1. Step 1. Write the trinomial in descending order of degrees.
  2. Step 2. Find all the factor pairs of the first term.
  3. Step 3. Find all the factor pairs of the third term.
  4. Step 4. Test all the possible combinations of the factors until the correct product is found.
  5. Step 5. Check by multiplying.

When the middle term is negative and the last term is positive, the signs in the binomials must both be negative.

Example 7.34

Factor completely: 6b213b+56b213b+5.


The trinomial is already in descending order. 7.3 Factor Trinomials of the Form ax2+bx+c - Elementary Algebra 2e | OpenStax (10)
Find the factors of the first term. 7.3 Factor Trinomials of the Form ax2+bx+c - Elementary Algebra 2e | OpenStax (11)
Find the factors of the last term. Consider the signs. Since the last term, 5 is positive its factors must both be positive or both be negative. The coefficient of the middle term is negative, so we use the negative factors. 7.3 Factor Trinomials of the Form ax2+bx+c - Elementary Algebra 2e | OpenStax (12)

Consider all the combinations of factors.

Possible factorsProduct
The correct factors are those whose product
is the original trinomial.
Check by multiplying.

Try It 7.67

Factor completely: 8x214x+38x214x+3.

Try It 7.68

Factor completely: 10y237y+710y237y+7.

When we factor an expression, we always look for a greatest common factor first. If the expression does not have a greatest common factor, there cannot be one in its factors either. This may help us eliminate some of the possible factor combinations.

Example 7.35

Factor completely: 14x247x714x247x7.


The trinomial is already in descending order. 7.3 Factor Trinomials of the Form ax2+bx+c - Elementary Algebra 2e | OpenStax (13)
Find the factors of the first term. 7.3 Factor Trinomials of the Form ax2+bx+c - Elementary Algebra 2e | OpenStax (14)
Find the factors of the last term. Consider the signs. Since it is negative, one factor must be positive and one negative. 7.3 Factor Trinomials of the Form ax2+bx+c - Elementary Algebra 2e | OpenStax (15)

Consider all the combinations of factors. We use each pair of the factors of 14x214x2 with each pair of factors of −7.−7.

Factors of 14x214x2Pair withFactors of −7−7
xx, 14x14x11, −7−7
−7−7, 11
(reverse order)
xx, 14x14x−1−1, 77
77, −1−1
(reverse order)
2x,7x2x,7x11, −7−7
−7−7, 11
(reverse order)
2x,7x2x,7x−1−1, 77
77, −1−1
(reverse order)

These pairings lead to the following eight combinations.

7.3 Factor Trinomials of the Form ax2+bx+c - Elementary Algebra 2e | OpenStax (16)

The correct factors are those whose product is the
original trinomial.
Check by multiplying.

Try It 7.69

Factor completely: 8a23a58a23a5.

Try It 7.70

Factor completely: 6b2b156b2b15.

Example 7.36

Factor completely: 18n237n+1518n237n+15.


The trinomial is already in descending order. 18n237n+1518n237n+15
Find the factors of the first term. 7.3 Factor Trinomials of the Form ax2+bx+c - Elementary Algebra 2e | OpenStax (17)
Find the factors of the last term. Consider the signs. Since 15 is positive and the coefficient of the middle term is negative, we use the negative facotrs. 7.3 Factor Trinomials of the Form ax2+bx+c - Elementary Algebra 2e | OpenStax (18)

Consider all the combinations of factors.

7.3 Factor Trinomials of the Form ax2+bx+c - Elementary Algebra 2e | OpenStax (19)

The correct factors are those whose product is
the original trinomial.
Check by multiplying.

Try It 7.71

Factor completely: 18x23x1018x23x10.

Try It 7.72

Factor completely: 30y253y2130y253y21.

Don’t forget to look for a GCF first.

Example 7.37

Factor completely: 10y4+55y3+60y210y4+55y3+60y2.


Notice the greatest common factor, and factor it first. 15y2(2y2+11y+12)15y2(2y2+11y+12)
Factor the trinomial. 7.3 Factor Trinomials of the Form ax2+bx+c - Elementary Algebra 2e | OpenStax (20)

Consider all the combinations.

7.3 Factor Trinomials of the Form ax2+bx+c - Elementary Algebra 2e | OpenStax (21)

The correct factors are those whose product
is the original trinomial. Remember to include
the factor 5y2.
Check by multiplying.

Try It 7.73

Factor completely: 15n385n2+100n15n385n2+100n.

Try It 7.74

Factor completely: 56q3+320q296q56q3+320q296q.

Factor Trinomials using the “ac” Method

Another way to factor trinomials of the form ax2+bx+cax2+bx+c is the “ac” method. (The “ac” method is sometimes called the grouping method.) The “ac” method is actually an extension of the methods you used in the last section to factor trinomials with leading coefficient one. This method is very structured (that is step-by-step), and it always works!

Example 7.38

How to Factor Trinomials Using the “ac” Method

Factor: 6x2+7x+26x2+7x+2.


7.3 Factor Trinomials of the Form ax2+bx+c - Elementary Algebra 2e | OpenStax (22)7.3 Factor Trinomials of the Form ax2+bx+c - Elementary Algebra 2e | OpenStax (23)7.3 Factor Trinomials of the Form ax2+bx+c - Elementary Algebra 2e | OpenStax (24)7.3 Factor Trinomials of the Form ax2+bx+c - Elementary Algebra 2e | OpenStax (25)7.3 Factor Trinomials of the Form ax2+bx+c - Elementary Algebra 2e | OpenStax (26)7.3 Factor Trinomials of the Form ax2+bx+c - Elementary Algebra 2e | OpenStax (27)

Try It 7.75

Factor: 6x2+13x+26x2+13x+2.

Try It 7.76

Factor: 4y2+8y+34y2+8y+3.

How To

Factor trinomials of the form using the “ac” method.

  1. Step 1. Factor any GCF.
  2. Step 2. Find the product ac.
  3. Step 3. Find two numbers m and n that:
    Multiply toacm·n=a·cAdd tobm+n=bMultiply toacm·n=a·cAdd tobm+n=b
  4. Step 4. Split the middle term using m and n:7.3 Factor Trinomials of the Form ax2+bx+c - Elementary Algebra 2e | OpenStax (28)
  5. Step 5. Factor by grouping.
  6. Step 6. Check by multiplying the factors.

When the third term of the trinomial is negative, the factors of the third term will have opposite signs.

Example 7.39

Factor: 8u217u218u217u21.


Is there a greatest common factor? No. 7.3 Factor Trinomials of the Form ax2+bx+c - Elementary Algebra 2e | OpenStax (29)
Find acac. acac

Find two numbers that multiply to −168−168 and add to −17−17. The larger factor must be negative.

Factors of −168−168Sum of factors
Split the middle term using 7u and −24u.8u217u218u2+7u−24u218u217u218u2+7u−24u21
Factor by grouping.u(8u+7)3(8u+7)(8u+7)(u3)u(8u+7)3(8u+7)(8u+7)(u3)
Check by multiplying.

Try It 7.77

Factor: 20h2+13h1520h2+13h15.

Try It 7.78

Factor: 6g2+19g206g2+19g20.

Example 7.40

Factor: 2x2+6x+52x2+6x+5.


Is there a greatest common factor? No. 7.3 Factor Trinomials of the Form ax2+bx+c - Elementary Algebra 2e | OpenStax (30)
Find acac. acac

Find two numbers that multiply to 10 and add to 6.

Factors of 1010Sum of factors
2, 52+5=72+5=7

There are no factors that multiply to 10 and add to 6. The polynomial is prime.

Try It 7.79

Factor: 10t2+19t1510t2+19t15.

Try It 7.80

Factor: 3u2+8u+53u2+8u+5.

Don’t forget to look for a common factor!

Example 7.41

Factor: 10y255y+7010y255y+70.


Is there a greatest common factor? Yes. The GCF is 5. 7.3 Factor Trinomials of the Form ax2+bx+c - Elementary Algebra 2e | OpenStax (31)
Factor it. Be careful to keep the factor of 5 all the way through the solution! 7.3 Factor Trinomials of the Form ax2+bx+c - Elementary Algebra 2e | OpenStax (32)
The trinomial inside the parentheses has a leading coefficient that is not 1. 7.3 Factor Trinomials of the Form ax2+bx+c - Elementary Algebra 2e | OpenStax (33)
Factor the trinomial. 7.3 Factor Trinomials of the Form ax2+bx+c - Elementary Algebra 2e | OpenStax (34)
Check by mulitplying all three factors.

Try It 7.81

Factor: 16x232x+1216x232x+12.

Try It 7.82

Factor: 18w239w+1818w239w+18.

We can now update the Preliminary Factoring Strategy, as shown in Figure 7.2 and detailed in Choose a strategy to factor polynomials completely (updated), to include trinomials of the form ax2+bx+cax2+bx+c. Remember, some polynomials are prime and so they cannot be factored.

7.3 Factor Trinomials of the Form ax2+bx+c - Elementary Algebra 2e | OpenStax (35)

Figure 7.2

How To

Choose a strategy to factor polynomials completely (updated).

  1. Step 1.

    Is there a greatest common factor?

    • Factor it.
  2. Step 2.

    Is the polynomial a binomial, trinomial, or are there more than three terms?

    • If it is a binomial, right now we have no method to factor it.
    • If it is a trinomial of the form x2+bx+cx2+bx+c
      Undo FOIL (x)(x)(x)(x).
    • If it is a trinomial of the form ax2+bx+cax2+bx+c
      Use Trial and Error or the “ac” method.
    • If it has more than three terms
      Use the grouping method.
  3. Step 3. Check by multiplying the factors.


Access these online resources for additional instruction and practice with factoring trinomials of the form ax2+bx+cax2+bx+c.

  • Factoring Trinomials, a is not 1

Section 7.3 Exercises

Practice Makes Perfect

Recognize a Preliminary Strategy to Factor Polynomials Completely

In the following exercises, identify the best method to use to factor each polynomial.


  1. 10q2+5010q2+50
  2. a25a14a25a14
  3. uv+2u+3v+6uv+2u+3v+6


  1. n2+10n+24n2+10n+24
  2. 8u2+168u2+16
  3. pq+5p+2q+10pq+5p+2q+10


  1. x2+4x21x2+4x21
  2. ab+10b+4a+40ab+10b+4a+40
  3. 6c2+246c2+24


  1. 20x2+10020x2+100
  2. uv+6u+4v+24uv+6u+4v+24
  3. y28y+15y28y+15

Factor Trinomials of the form ax2+bx+cax2+bx+c with a GCF

In the following exercises, factor completely.


5 x 2 + 35 x + 30 5 x 2 + 35 x + 30


12 s 2 + 24 s + 12 12 s 2 + 24 s + 12


2 z 2 2 z 24 2 z 2 2 z 24


3 u 2 12 u 36 3 u 2 12 u 36


7 v 2 63 v + 56 7 v 2 63 v + 56


5 w 2 30 w + 45 5 w 2 30 w + 45


p 3 8 p 2 20 p p 3 8 p 2 20 p


q 3 5 q 2 24 q q 3 5 q 2 24 q


3 m 3 21 m 2 + 30 m 3 m 3 21 m 2 + 30 m


11 n 3 55 n 2 + 44 n 11 n 3 55 n 2 + 44 n


5 x 4 + 10 x 3 75 x 2 5 x 4 + 10 x 3 75 x 2


6 y 4 + 12 y 3 48 y 2 6 y 4 + 12 y 3 48 y 2

Factor Trinomials Using Trial and Error

In the following exercises, factor.


2 t 2 + 7 t + 5 2 t 2 + 7 t + 5


5 y 2 + 16 y + 11 5 y 2 + 16 y + 11


11 x 2 + 34 x + 3 11 x 2 + 34 x + 3


7 b 2 + 50 b + 7 7 b 2 + 50 b + 7


4 w 2 5 w + 1 4 w 2 5 w + 1


5 x 2 17 x + 6 5 x 2 17 x + 6


6 p 2 19 p + 10 6 p 2 19 p + 10


21 m 2 29 m + 10 21 m 2 29 m + 10


4 q 2 7 q 2 4 q 2 7 q 2


10 y 2 53 y 11 10 y 2 53 y 11


4 p 2 + 17 p 15 4 p 2 + 17 p 15


6 u 2 + 5 u 14 6 u 2 + 5 u 14


16 x 2 32 x + 16 16 x 2 32 x + 16


81 a 2 + 153 a 18 81 a 2 + 153 a 18


30 q 3 + 140 q 2 + 80 q 30 q 3 + 140 q 2 + 80 q


5 y 3 + 30 y 2 35 y 5 y 3 + 30 y 2 35 y

Factor Trinomials using the ‘ac’ Method

In the following exercises, factor.


5 n 2 + 21 n + 4 5 n 2 + 21 n + 4


8 w 2 + 25 w + 3 8 w 2 + 25 w + 3


9 z 2 + 15 z + 4 9 z 2 + 15 z + 4


3 m 2 + 26 m + 48 3 m 2 + 26 m + 48


4 k 2 16 k + 15 4 k 2 16 k + 15


4 q 2 9 q + 5 4 q 2 9 q + 5


5 s 2 9 s + 4 5 s 2 9 s + 4


4 r 2 20 r + 25 4 r 2 20 r + 25


6 y 2 + y 15 6 y 2 + y 15


6 p 2 + p 22 6 p 2 + p 22


2 n 2 27 n 45 2 n 2 27 n 45


12 z 2 41 z 11 12 z 2 41 z 11


3 x 2 + 5 x + 4 3 x 2 + 5 x + 4


4 y 2 + 15 y + 6 4 y 2 + 15 y + 6


60 y 2 + 290 y 50 60 y 2 + 290 y 50


6 u 2 46 u 16 6 u 2 46 u 16


48 z 3 102 z 2 45 z 48 z 3 102 z 2 45 z


90 n 3 + 42 n 2 216 n 90 n 3 + 42 n 2 216 n


16 s 2 + 40 s + 24 16 s 2 + 40 s + 24


24 p 2 + 160 p + 96 24 p 2 + 160 p + 96


48 y 2 + 12 y 36 48 y 2 + 12 y 36


30 x 2 + 105 x 60 30 x 2 + 105 x 60

Mixed Practice

In the following exercises, factor.


12 y 2 29 y + 14 12 y 2 29 y + 14


12 x 2 + 36 y 24 z 12 x 2 + 36 y 24 z


a 2 a 20 a 2 a 20


m 2 m 12 m 2 m 12


6 n 2 + 5 n 4 6 n 2 + 5 n 4


12 y 2 37 y + 21 12 y 2 37 y + 21


2 p 2 + 4 p + 3 2 p 2 + 4 p + 3


3 q 2 + 6 q + 2 3 q 2 + 6 q + 2


13 z 2 + 39 z 26 13 z 2 + 39 z 26


5 r 2 + 25 r + 30 5 r 2 + 25 r + 30


x 2 + 3 x 28 x 2 + 3 x 28


6 u 2 + 7 u 5 6 u 2 + 7 u 5


3 p 2 + 21 p 3 p 2 + 21 p


7 x 2 21 x 7 x 2 21 x


6 r 2 + 30 r + 36 6 r 2 + 30 r + 36


18 m 2 + 15 m + 3 18 m 2 + 15 m + 3


24 n 2 + 20 n + 4 24 n 2 + 20 n + 4


4 a 2 + 5 a + 2 4 a 2 + 5 a + 2


x 2 + 2 x 24 x 2 + 2 x 24


2 b 2 7 b + 4 2 b 2 7 b + 4

Everyday Math


Height of a toy rocket The height of a toy rocket launched with an initial speed of 80 feet per second from the balcony of an apartment building is related to the number of seconds, t, since it is launched by the trinomial −16t2+80t+96−16t2+80t+96. Completely factor the trinomial.


Height of a beach ball The height of a beach ball tossed up with an initial speed of 12 feet per second from a height of 4 feet is related to the number of seconds, t, since it is tossed by the trinomial −16t2+12t+4−16t2+12t+4. Completely factor the trinomial.

Writing Exercises


List, in order, all the steps you take when using the “ac” method to factor a trinomial of the form ax2+bx+c.ax2+bx+c.


How is the “ac” method similar to the “undo FOIL” method? How is it different?


What are the questions, in order, that you ask yourself as you start to factor a polynomial? What do you need to do as a result of the answer to each question?


On your paper draw the chart that summarizes the factoring strategy. Try to do it without looking at the book. When you are done, look back at the book to finish it or verify it.

Self Check

After completing the exercises, use this checklist to evaluate your mastery of the objectives of this section.

7.3 Factor Trinomials of the Form ax2+bx+c - Elementary Algebra 2e | OpenStax (36)

What does this checklist tell you about your mastery of this section? What steps will you take to improve?

7.3 Factor Trinomials of the Form ax2+bx+c - Elementary Algebra 2e | OpenStax (2024)
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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Author information

Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.